Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm really fucking bored.


I'm on Fall Break from Oberlin College and I am really fucking bored. I am in Mebane, NC, which is a very small town mostly known for being between some other small towns and not having anything interesting in it aside from meth labs and (actually, this is fucking awesome) a giant cat retirement home. Like, lions and tigers and shit. Oh, my. Oh, and the county is the world's largest producer of country ham. And subsequently, probably pig shit.

I have barely made it through a paragraph without swearing four times. Actually, I did not. So now would be a good time to warn you that this blog will probably contain very strong language, drug references, insults, rage, kitties, cake, and mythological creatures.

I am doing this because I am bored. I have nothing to do except for blog right now.

About me somewhat:
I have an attention problem.
I have also an autism problem. Burgers of the ass.
I have psychotic ideas about what my hair should look like and will not leave the house if it is curly.
I play a lot of instruments but primarily the harpsichord. That's right, motherfucker. Harpsichord.
I play the harpsichord at what is arguably the best music conservatory in the USA.

This layout kind of sucks because I basically just breezed through the design section and clicked colors that remind me of the original NES.

Also, the background is baby chicks because for some reason the fucking uploady thing wouldn't let me upload my awesome drawing of some evil cake.

Nevermind. Cake problem solved.
I will leave you with a drawing of a unicorn that I did a few years ago.

That is all.


1 comment:

  1. I guess that's not really a drawing of a unicorn. It's a drawing of a creepy kid that killed a unicorn. With kindness. And one tooth.
